Search Engine Submission (SES)


Our Services

Search engine submission assists you to improve ranking of website on Search engine. It helps to increase search engine ranking higher. It is important to submit website manually rather than automatically. Manually feeding of website make faster effect than automatically. 

Search engine submission is the first step towards the optimization; this submission paves the way for a website to get noticed more easily by the search engines and they get crawled quickly because they are manually made noticeable for the search engine. Search engine submission is an important factor for a website because there are many search engines present in the web world and when it is submitted to the most targeted search engines the chances of getting crawled and indexed quickly increases. The search engines today has become the main window for providers to satisfy their consumers because the highest number of consumers finds, searches and get aware about the products/services through the internet.

Advantage of search engine submission:

  • Improve traffic on web
  • Improve search engine ranking
  • Increase revenue
  • Cost effective

Search engine spiders are designed in such a way that it immediately switches over to another webpage whenever they face any complexity in an existing page. Sometimes it never indexes web pages which are designed in JavaScript or Flash. So you have to resubmit your site at regular interval to various search engines so that the spider won’t ignore your website while crawling. Normally search engine spiders crawl the World Wide Web and index newly launched websites automatically. Still resubmission of websites is like reminding the crawler about your presence in the World Wide Web.

  Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  Search Engine Submission (SES)
  Pay Per Click (PPC)
  Paid Inclusion